Three short steps and your event will be visible on the largest ticketing platform in the Baltics

Sign the contract

The agreement is necessary to define the relationship between your company and and ticket buyers in a unique and legally correct way. Once the standard contract is signed, work on new events continues using the subscription form and self-service environment. The Project Manager will send you the contract as soon as you fill in the application form.

Three short steps and your event will be visible on the largest ticketing platform in the Baltics.

Fill in the event enquiry form

The order form is required in order for to accurately and quickly fulfil all your requests to start selling tickets for your event.

On the order form PDF format you will need to provide the basic information needed for to announce the event and start selling tickets. Please send the completed order form (in pdf format) to your event system administrator or your project manager.

Kolm kiiret sammu ja sinu sündmus on nähtav Baltikumi suurimal piletimüügiplatvormil.

Täida sündmuse tellimusleht

Tellimusleht on vajalik selleks, et kõik sinu soovid oma ürituse piletimüügil saaksid Piletilevi poolt täpselt ja kiirelt täidetud, ning sinu sündmuse piletimüük saaks olla edukas. Tellimuslehe sobiva formi saad alla laadida allpool.

Tellimusleht PDF formaadis on lihtsam ja üldisem vorm, mis sisaldab põhiinfot, mida Piletilevi vajab, et sündmus müüki panna. Sobib väiksemate ürituste puhul. Täidetud tellimuslehe vormi palume sind saata aadressile või sinu projektijuhile.

Tellimusleht Exceli formaadis on põhjalikum vorm, mis sisaldab detailsemat infot hinnastamise ja saalikohtade paigutamise kohta. Soovitatav suuremate ürituste ning istekohtadega saaliplaanide puhul. Täidetud tellimuslehe vormi palume sind saata aadressile või sinu projektijuhile.

Tellimusleht on vajalik selleks, et kõik sinu soovid oma ürituse piletimüügil saaksid Piletilevi poolt täpselt ja kiirelt täidetud, ning sinu sündmuse piletimüük saaks olla edukas. Tellimuslehe sobiva formi saad alla laadida allpool.

Allkirjasta leping

Leping on vajalik selleks, et määratleda ühekordselt ja juriidiliselt korrektselt sinu ettevõtte ja Piletilevi suhe piletiostjatega suheldes. Korra sõlmitud standardsele raamlepingule jätkub uute sündmuste puhul juba töö tellimuslehe ja iseteeninduskeskkonna kaudu. Leping saadetakse sulle projektijuhi poolt pärast ankeedi täitmist.

Start selling tickets

Once the event has been entered into the system, you can start selling tickets.

Important! Please send a short text description of the event and a mock-up of the event together with the completed booking form. All graphic material provided by the organiser and published in the digital environment must be in RGB colours. Incomplete event information will not be included in the sales programme.

Alusta piletimüügiga

Niipea kui sündmus on süsteemi sisestatud saad piletimüügiga alustada.

Tellimusleht on vajalik selleks, et kõik sinu soovid oma ürituse piletimüügil saaksid Piletilevi poolt täpselt ja kiirelt täidetud, ning sinu sündmuse piletimüük saaks olla edukas. Tellimuslehe sobiva formi saad alla laadida allpool.

Tähtis! Koos täidetud tellimuslehega palume sind saata ürituse kohta ka tekstiline lühitutvustus ja plakati kujundus. Kõik korraldaja poolt edastatavad graafilised materjalid, mis avaldatakse Piletilevi digitaalses keskkonnas peavad olema RGB värvides. Puuduliku infoga üritust müügiprogrammi ei sisestata.

Advertisement opportunities

Tens of thousands of culture lovers looking for new experiences and to know what's happening in the events sector will be exposed to your event by advertising on our channels.


Reklaam meie kanalites tutvustab sinu üritust kümnetele tuhandetele kultuurihuvilistele, kes otsivad uusi elamusi ja soovivad hoida ennast kursis kultuurimaastikul toimuvaga.

Ask your project manager for advice


Commercial Director

Organiser F.A.Q.

How much do services cost?

We have a range of sales and promotional opportunities and solutions for both larger and smaller organisers. With the help of a project manager, you will find the best solution for your event.

Can I sell tickets directly on my website?

Yes, the organiser has the possibility to integrate the shopping window widget into their website. This service is free of charge.

Can I book tickets and issue invitations myself?

Each organiser has the possibility to book tickets, issue invitations or set ticket prices and send them directly to the customer's email.

Do you have a venue plan?

The organiser will provide the project manager with information about the venue plan and we will organise ticket sales accordingly. We already have plans for most of the venues. If the event is organised under special arrangements or if a completely new venue is chosen, we will also need to be sent a site plan.

How do I create a discount code? Can I find out later how many tickets have been purchased with a discount code?

To create a discount code, the project manager needs to specify the name of the discount code, its value, and a time/quantity limit. We can also create personalised discount codes. We will also send you a report on the purchases made.

How are tickets sold at the venue? Do I need to organise anything as an organiser?

The organiser can sell the tickets themselves through our system or order the service from

How are tickets checked?

Organisers can rent ticket scanners from or use the Bilietai scan app on their phones.

How does checkout work? issues a monthly commission invoice for the previous month's sales, which is offset against the tickets sold. The balance of ticket sales will be transferred to the organiser on Friday of the week following the event.

Can I receive ticket revenue before the event?

Ticket revenue can be collected before the event if the event meets certain criteria. For more information, please contact our Project Manager.

What happens to sold tickets if an event is cancelled or postponed? will be able to issue refunds to purchasers at the organiser's request. " will take care of communication with the customers in this case. If the event is postponed, the tickets purchased will automatically be valid for the new date and will not need to be changed.

I would like to contact ticket buyers. What should I do?

The GDPR rules do not allow the transfer of this data to third parties. We do not prohibit communication with ticket buyers, but the information can only be communicated through and our project manager.