Event(s) page

why choose a landing page?

The landing page is a convenient shopping environment for ticket buyers for a specific event. The customised page uses the identity of the event you are organising, so all information is stylishly presented on one shopping page. The landing page is also convenient for culture lovers who are used to choosing their entertainment on the website, as the purchase process remains the same - directly via the landing page. All purchase transaction information goes directly into the event's sales report. Using a landing page saves you the cost of programming an event-based website and shopping environment. The landing page is customisable and easy to use on all devices. With a landing page, you can monitor the effectiveness of your marketing by diving into retargeting.


The landing page consists of different blocks whose layout (font, background, colours) can be changed.

The header can use both an image and a video, and the dimensions of the file must be appropriate for the screen, i.e. 1920px (width) x1080px (height). You can include a 'Buy Ticket' button, social media buttons, a timer or the time of the event.

For the content text, we can automatically enter a description of the event, but you can also create your own text. To enhance the emotion, we recommend adding a gallery of the event and, if available, a Youtube video.

The "Buy Ticket" block will automatically appear on the login page bilietai.lt from the website. The customer can conveniently and instantly make a purchase.

The venue block is automatically created based on the venue specified in the sales programme. You can change the map layout and add an image of 1400px (width) x 800px (height) describing the location.

The Organiser's block is a mandatory part of the event, and you can also add a block showing other events of the organiser. In this block, the system will use an image that corresponds to the aspect ratio of the image used in the displays, i.e. 1920 px (width) x 1080 px (height).

Maandumisleht koosneb erinevatest blokkidest, mille kujundus (font, taust, värvid) on muudetav.

Päiseks on võimalik kasutada nii pilti kui ka videot, faili mõõdud on vastavad ekraanile sobivate mõõtudega. Päisesse on võimalik lisada nii "Osta pilet" nupp, sotsiaalmeedia nupud, taimer või toimumise aeg.

Sisutekstiks saame automaatselt sisestada sündmuse kirjelduse, aga teksti on võimalik ka ise luua. Parema emotsiooni edasi andmiseks soovitame lisada ürituse galerii ja olemasolul ka Youtube video.

Osta pilet blokk jõuab maandumislehele automaatselt piletilevi.ee kodulehelt. Klient saab mugavalt kohe ostu sooritada.

Sündmuse toimumiskoha blokk tuleb automaatselt vastavalt müügiprogrammis olevale toimumiskohale. Võimalik on vahetada kaardi kujundust ning lisada asukohta kirjeldav pilt.

Korraldaja blokk on ürituse juures kohustuslikuks osaks, lisaks on võimalik selle juurde lisada blokk, mis kuvab korraldaja teisi sündmusi. Selles blokis kasutab süsteem pilti, mis vastab ekraanidel kasutatava pildi küljesuhtele.


To monitor page traffic and set up ads, you can add the organiser's Analytics ID, Tag Manager ID and Bilietai.lt system store provider ID.


one language

two languages

150 €

250 €

Prices are exclusive of VAT.

For more information, please contact the Project Manager

Advertisement opportunities

Kõik reklaamivõimalused

Ask your project manager for advice


Commercial Director

General rules for advertising services

  • Bilietai.lt must be acknowledged in promotional material, using a logo or text, as a company providing a ticketing service.
  • Promotional material must be submitted by the deadline set by the Bilietai.lt Project Manager.
  • Cancellation of an advertising order may only be made in exceptional cases and if the advertising provider makes this possible. In the absence of such a possibility, the advertiser must pay the full price of the advertising order.
  • Bilietai.lt is not obliged to provide advertising services if the advertising is not presented in a form and content acceptable to Bilietai.lt.
  • Promotional material that does not comply with the requirements of the Law on Advertising or the Law on Language in force in Lithuania, or that mentions not only Bilietai.lt, but also other companies or persons providing ticketing services will not be accepted.
  • Bilietai.lt reserves the right to refuse to reserve advertising space.
  • Bilietai.lt reserves the right to change the price list.